
Stay ahead of the curve

The main task of any trader and investor is to make a profit from the deals made. All that is needed is to get in and leave it in time.

It sounds easy and straightforward, but it's actually much more complicated. Manual implementation of the transaction (get in and leave the position) takes at most a couple of percent of overall time. The rest of the time is dedicated to the analysis of the market charts in order to determine with a high probability level what will be the correct direction of the market movement and how to choose the most successful point for getting in (and leaving, respectively).

Trading without fundamental and technical analysis is quite risky and extremely susceptible to fluctuations in the psychology of the behavior of the “crowd”, fake news, etc. This leads to potential loss of investment.

Many organizations traditionally rely on analytics to make well-considered decisions. In order to stay ahead of the curve, our users have access to key metrics for NFT markets thanks to technologies like alchemy/covalent. We collect information about all transactions within most networks and provide it to our users promptly in various formats: graphs, alerts and tracking of suspicious transactions.

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